
Among New American Ghost Cinema, one can witness the re-emergence of an interesting sub-genre: the

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Among New American Ghost Cinema, one can witness the re-emergence of an interesting sub-genre: the Found Footage Cinema. We can observe this new fascination in many modern horror films such as 2008’s Cloverfield, 2009's Paranormal Activity, and 2011's Apollo 18. Digging below the surface of a literal reading of some of these movies, one finds a genre that can be far more intelligent than what meets the public eye. For example, within Cloverfield, the screams and images of smoke heaving through the city of Manhattan hint at post-September 11th. To understand the growing popularity of Found Footage Cinema and why we discover these political undertones, this paper will examine The Blair Witch Project (1999, Myrick and Sanchez) in the …show more content…

Wood conceived a theory that proposed the monster in the horror genre embodied "all that which a society represses." From Wood’s position, one can conclude "all that which a society represses" relates primarily to those features (social, political, sexual, and racial) which did not fit into Bourgeois capitalist America. He argues that this repression is the key to understanding the inner workings of the modern American mind. The key to Wood's argument is the difference he makes between basic and surplus repression: “Basic repression is universal, necessary, and inescapable. It is what makes possible our development from an uncoordinated animal capable of little beyond screaming and convulsions into a human being; it is bound up with the ability to accept the postponement of gratification with the development of our thought and memory process, of our capacity for self-control, and of our recognition and consideration of other people.”
Surplus repression, in contrast, are those constraints imposed upon people by specific cultures since “it is the process whereby people are conditioned from earliest infancy to take on predetermined roles within a given culture. (In contemporary America) thus, surplus repression makes us into monogamous heterosexual bourgeois patriarchal capitalists.” As a cultural

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