
Analytical Essay On Romeo And Juliet

Satisfactory Essays

Romeo and Juliet Analyze Essay

Love is spoken about a lot in all of these stories, one thing that these stories talk about is love can come with a cost. As you will see in these stories ( Romeo and Juliet, Pyramus and Thisbe, and Duty) there will be death due to love.

In the story Romeo and Juliet, there was a lot of death for example Tybalt, Paris, Lady Montague, Romeo and Juliet all died. In this story it starts off by you finding out that the families do not like each other, you could say they even hate each other, as the story goes along eventually Romeo and Juliet and on act 1 scene 5 meet for the first time. After that in the final act Romeo who thinks Juliet is dead so on page 272 line 120 he kills Paris and himself,

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