
Assignment 1: Critical Thinking Process

Decent Essays

1. In a college paper the audience is almost always the professor. Knowing this the author would keep his paper very formal by using proper grammar, and appropriate word choice.and would make sure to add literary devices that the professor looks for. For example, if the professor enjoys imagery, then the student would try to fill his/her paper with that literary device. In certain situations the student may have to read their writing in front of the class. When the audience involves the classroom, one should try to structure his/her paper in a way that would not generalize broad topics, because a classroom scene isn't whole there are many cultural backgrounds to take in consideration. A way to avoid generalization is to not give a single perspective on vast topics. For example, if one is talking about Trump, they should write about a liberal's perspective, as well as a conservative's perspective. …show more content…

It is important to consider the audience, because the writer does not want his/her paper to be biased to a certain point of view. The reason the writer would want to avoid being bias is because it makes the writing seem ignorant/narrow since it is only addressing one point of view. When one addresses different points of view, and makes it relatable to the entire audience, then the paper becomes more accepting to the audience since the writer is mentioning all sides of the argument. Even if the audience were to be the same, one should not generalize, and make bias statements. In the reading, it mentioned that if the audience is all women, do not believe that they will accept feminist views in the paper, because not all women are

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