
Australia 's Involvement During The Second World War

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The Second World War commenced in 1939 to 1945. Australia’s involvement in the Second World War was announced by Prime Minister Robert Gordon Menzies on the 3rd of September 1939. Roughly one million Australian men and women served the World War passionately guarding its allies. Australia took part in many campaigns during the Second World War in Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, South-East Asia and the Pacific regions. Many notable defence units that were involved in the Second World War: Royal Australian Navy, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Air Force. Women were privileged as they are given more employment opportunities, especially contributed in war efforts. Women were assigned in nursing, Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force, Women’s Royal Australian Navy Service and The Australian Women’s Army Service. Australia has contributed as part of the Asian region protecting its neighbours. One of Australia’s significant involvement within the Asian region was the Battle of Singapore in 1942 supporting the British Empire forces. On account of Australia’s involvement, it has positively shaped our relationship with the Asia region today. Immigration policy has changed as Australia accepts refugees to support Asia, introduced trade networks and alliances with Asian defences.

Singapore is located at the centre of a crucial sea route in the far east. The sea route is controlled by the Japanese and attempting to prevent from the British claiming the control of the route.

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