
Case Study Of The Maria Hertogh Riot

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Singapore has a racially diverse and multi-cultural society, being a multi-ethnic country means that Singapore relies on social cohesion as well as communal harmony to function. It is necessary for Singaporeans to be able to accept, trust and work with each other in order to maintain peace and stability in the country. Social cohesion is a bond that holds a group of individuals of different histories and circumstances together through similar values and behaviours. It can be seen through people working together, such as coming together to help those in need or through citizens accepting to follow the same regulations in the country. The following case study on the Maria Hertogh Riot will display why it is important to have social cohesion …show more content…

Communal harmony refers to the acceptance and love among individuals of a community belonging to different races and religion. Alongside social cohesion, communal harmony also plays a key role in ensuring that Singaporeans are able to work together and live together harmoniously. It gives them a sense of identity and therefore unite them and allow them to feel that Singapore is truly their home, creating a national identity for Singaporeans. The following case study of the 1964 communal riots will identify the issues of how the lack of communal harmony is damaging to the stability of Singapore. Communal riots of 1964 pertain to two different racial riots, concerning disputes between the Malays and the Chinese. The first riot took place on 21 July during a Muslim procession held to celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. Clashes broke out between the Malays and the Chinese bystanders after a Chinese individual allegedly threw a bottle at the procession. As news spread throughout the region, communal violence spread across the island, leading to 23 deaths and 454 injuries by the end of the …show more content…

This means that there is no racial discrimination when it comes to opportunities for education or jobs. The government also promotes racial interaction in school by having classes with students of different races and having social studies classes to teach them a brief history about the different cultures and why they need to learn to work and live together despite their differences. Racial harmony is also promoted through the celebration of Racial Harmony Day to commemorate the racial riots that happened in 1964. In conclusion, it is crucial that social cohesion and communal harmony are promoted in Singapore so that it strengthens the bond between the races, allowing them to work and live together, creating an identity for themselves as a united nation. As the people unite and accept the policies laid out by the government, it also strengthens the trust between the people and the government, establishing both peace and stability in the

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