
The Pros And Cons Of IR In Singapore

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Global City - Its simple definition is that it is a city that is an important nodal point in the global economic system.

Singapore is both a city and a nation-state. This complicates matters. Most foreigners think of Singapore simply as a city. But most Singaporeans think of Singapore in national terms. This, by default, has had the unintended side effect of causing some fissures in the national fabric. It is possible to be both a global city and a nation-state. But it could be argued that the global city project pursued by Singapore has come at a heavy price for the nation-building project.

In order to create a “buzz” to acquire attentions of mass population from around the world, Singapore has open their doors …show more content…

Taxi etc.

IR Approval Process:

Since there was controversies among public and members of ministry in establishing IR in Singapore, the government had to go with a specific process to evaluate the pro and cons in establishing IR.

As a first step on this, the government had called for a Request for Concepts (RFC). This is a process whereby interested bidders would present concept proposals for the IR. There is no compulsion for the government to agree to whatever said RFC. If the government feels that the IR concept is not feasible or positive, the government had all the rights to say No.

The result of RFC was a success. Many of the bidders were leading companies in the industry which had built high quality IRs elsewhere, and had solid track records and international reputations to protect. This helped Ministers to understand the concept of IR better.

The economic point of view for IR establishment not only viable in Singapore but there was a major market opportunity waiting to be tapped. However an idea which has great positive impact cannot be encouraged. Singapore needs to check on Social issues too in addition to this.

For this they proposed 5 methods in minimize the social impact created by the establishment of IR in

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