
Apush Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The British Atlantic World, 1660 - 1750
In June 1744, the Iroquois and representatives from Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania met in Lancaster, Pennsylvania to resolve conflicts and negotiate on agreements. These meetings were called the Covenant Chain.
At Lancaster, British colonists forced the Iroquois to agree to land agreements, and they also forced the Iroquois to assist them in a war against the French, to which the Iroquois, like Onondaga orator Canassatego, were forced to say yes.
Similar to the French and Spanish colonies, the British allied with Native Americans to gain power in North America. Meanwhile, many Native American groups grouped together in what the British called “tribes” in order to counter population decline and have some political power. The colonies were mostly autonomous and part of the South Atlantic System, which brought them economic growth.
Colonies to Empire, 1660 - 1713
England governed its colonies loosely before 1660, but after 1660, when the monarch was brought back, England tried to reinforce order in the colonies and allied with Native Americans to fight against other European countries.
The Restoration Colonies and Imperial Expansion
Charles II (reigned 1660 - 1685) helped to grow English power in the Americas and Asia through marriages, alliances, and land grants, essentially taking over land that other nations had once owned.
The Carolinas
Settlements of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Carolina were owned by

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