
Childfree By Choice Summary

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People think that marriage is all about children but it is not. The choice is up to the adults whether or not they want to have children, According to the author. Some people have specific reasons as to why they do not want to have children such as not being ready or not knowing if they have what it takes to be a parent. Also they do not see the need that they should have children when they are already happy with one another as it is. “Childfree by Choice” by Kelly Welch explains it well as to why people do not need to have children. Within the article the author Kelly Welch has explained why she believes that being child free can be a choice and being happy without one can be possible. Within the article “Childfree by Choice” the author says “Some people feel their lives are complete and full without children.”(Childfree by Choice, Kelly W., p.7). She says that having a child will not be required to make a person’s life feel fulfilled, being happy without one is a choice that can be made. Also, the author says “For instance, a close friend of mine desperately desired to be a mother but because she is a genetic carrier of an always-fatal type of muscular dystrophy, she opted to remain childless.”(Childfree by Choice, Kelly W., p.7). Her friend wants to be a mother but because she is a carrier of a muscle …show more content…

Many people who have married each other find out many months later that the one that they are with just was not the one who they will love forever and be with forever. If they had chosen to have a child then the child will have to deal with parents who are trying to find a new couple and may even do it all over again. Also disease is not a joke that goes away over a wish people are born with genetic diseases that will transfer over to their child. My opinion of remaining childfree goes along with the author Kelly W. Who has strong evidence towards the thought of remaining childfree by

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