
Children Should Participate In Organized Activities

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I believe that children should participate in organized activities that they show interest in. Imagitive and creative play is important as well but if you pick the right activities your child can learn to be creative and more imagitive by just participating. If a kid wants to be good at something hes going to use whatever skills hes aquired to try his best.Children that dont have the freedom to choose activities based on their interest may not try to do their best because it doesnt really matter to them personally. Some people may be able to learn social skills, fuctioning skills, and critical thinking from creative play but ive always learned best from activities. I learned social skills because I am constantly trying harder to improve by asking for help and imput from others. When I joined the swim team we worked on our functioning skills all the time by working together to get a routine going to keep everythinh organized. We also had to think critically because one mess up could affect the whole teams preformance. Organized events have taught me alot more then playing pretend and doing whatever I wanted. Playing pretend taught me I could do whatever I wanted but sports taught me that to do anything I wanted I have to work harder than the next guy. …show more content…

Organized activities will always out wiegh creative playing but only because orginization is always needed and creativness is only needed for new

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