
Compare and Contrast Public Schools and Online Schools

Decent Essays

Online schools versus campus schools, can one completely replace another? I’ve personally had the opportunity to experience both schools. Although they both provide the same outcome, which is a college degree of your choice of studies, there are advantages of one versus the other. I believe online schools are better to attend because of the convenience, satisfying classroom experience, and the cost and length of time to complete the degree program. Going to school online, you have more convenience in sitting in front of an computer in your living room. You can work at your own pace, and stop and take a break when ever you need to. You don’t have to worry about having to commute back and forth to school. What I like most is that I’m able …show more content…

Most campus schools require at least 2 ½ to 4 years to earn your bachelors degree. Going to school online, you can earn a degree in less than that time. You can earn the degree in about 18 months. The only disadvantage in finishing so soon, is that the work online will be more accelerated and you have to put in a lot of studying time. One good thing about it is that you don’t have to travel to go to school. You are saving money on gas, and wear and tear on your vehicle. Going to school online you don’t have to worry about spending money on room and board. Being at a campus school you have to stay in a dormitory or either rent an apartment nearby. This could be really expensive, especially when you have to also pay out of pocket fees toward your tuition. Everyone has their own learning styles. Going to school online might not be cut out for a person that needs to be face to face with an instructor. Or a person that has to have on hands training might not want to attend an online campus. It’s a tough decision when you have to make this decision on how you want to continue with your education. An education is an education, so it’s better to have one than not to have one at all. So it all really boils down to you making that decision based on how you interpret your learning skills. For me, online is what fit in my current life style. It’s convenient, comfortable, and less expensive. The

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