
Comparison Between Judaism And Christianity

Better Essays

Daniel Cooney
Rav Shai
Jewish Faith and Practice
Comparison of Judaism and Christianity

Judaism and Christianity may be completely different religions, but they along with many differences there are many similarities between the religions. Religions may vary from culture to culture, but mostly all are based on the same principle; that there is something greater than us that we all should believe in. Being that this is such a widespread belief, you would think that all religions would have some kind of common ground especially when it comes to two of the oldest and most significant religions in existence today. Judaism and Christianity are two of the more universally practiced religions today. They are both rooted in their …show more content…

The Torah tells the story of the foundation of Judaism and how it was built. The second section of the Hebrew bible, Nevi’im also known as the Prophets is considered to have been written by people blessed with the spirit of prophecy. It contains a record of most of the important history in the years after Moses. The third portion of the Hebrew bible, Ketuvim also known as the Writings, is made up of various kinds of writings. The books in the Writings are considered to be less sacred than the books of the Prophets because the books of Prophets are thought to have been written under direct inspiration from God, while the books in the Writings are supposed to be the work of prophets working in a normal manner. Although most Jews lived by the laws of the Torah, the interpretation of the Torah is what caused the Jewish people to divide into three major sections known as the Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes. The Sadducees were elitists who wanted to maintain their priestly state. They did this by maintaining rituals with the temple and didn’t allow non-Sadducees in the temple. They were willing to incorporate Hellenism into their lives and they rejected the oral law and instead followed the written law, both of these opposed the Pharisees. The Pharisees were the “spiritual fathers” of modern Judaism. Their main distinguishing difference among the three was that they were blue collared Jews

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