
Comparison Of Malala's Speech And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Satisfactory Essays

Mackenzie Jones
Mrs. Ligon
Period 5
19 September, 2014 The Human Rights Why are human rights so important? Human rights are important so that peace is kept and so that everything stays aligned, put together and won’t be absent. The rights keep the people safe and feeling safe from harm and any other kind of problems that may occur. Safety is one of the reasons that human rights have been established. The central Idea of Malala’s speech and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is that everyone is or should be equal, and they use parallel structure and uses imagery. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was made so people would know what their rights are and what aren’t. Equality and peace are some of the main reasons that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was wrote. The article states the term “unalienable rights” which basically means that under law “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Everyone should be equally free, so as the article says, nobody should be held into slavery or serve anyone without their own consent. The document is set up first with the preamble, it goes in order from article one to article ten. The way it is set up makes it easier to read and comprehend. It uses rhetorical devices such as repetition in the articles to get the …show more content…

One member of the Taliban was boarded on her bus and asked for her by her name, then they shot her. This experience made her realize that women don’t exactly get the same rights as men. Job and education is a big part of it. They believed that women didn’t need jobs or education. She was fighting strongly for the rights and didn’t give up hope. Women we’re not equal to men and men seemed to be more superior. The document structure almost repeated itself. It was in paragraphs when she paused, and she used rhetorical devices as of parallel structure to persuade people to agree with her

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