
Malala Yousafzai Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The appeals of pathos, ethos, and logos are effectively applied to illustrate a world with no rights for women which persuades the U.N. to protect women’s freedom to a basic education. Malala Yousafzai uses the rhetorical appeal of pathos to express the immorality of Pakistani government which coaxes the U.N. to allow women basic rights. Everybody should be granted the right to education, no matter race, gender, or religion. Malala pleads to the U.N. to allow her an education. During her presentation at the U.N. meeting, Malala appeals to the emotions of the representatives of various countries by discussing heartbreaking topics such as terrorism, war, and most brutally, death. While fighting for their basic rights, Yousafzai stated, “thousands

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