
Contribution Of Winston Churchill

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Sir Winston Churchill was born in 1874, and is the son of English politician Lord Randolph Churchill and American socialite Lady Randolph Spencer-Churchill. He was a British politician who served in the British Army, as a member of Parliament, and as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955. From 1940 to 1955, he was the leader of the Conservative Party in Britain. In 1953, he received a Knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II and the Nobel Prize for Literature.

While Winston Churchill is most known for his leadership of Britain during the Second World War and his prominent role in the defeat of Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers, he is equally responsible for the brutalization of numerous foreign nations and cultures, the unwarranted deaths of three million Indians due to a famine that he purposefully worsened, and the oversight of unprovoked attacks on Greek civilian protesters.

Churchill was known for arming troops who previously had collaborative ties to Nazis, under the guise of “national leverage”. When communist-friendly forces in Greece became more powerful than he originally anticipated, Churchill aligned Britain's forces with pro-Nazi forces, thereby switching alliances, and either killing or injuring hundreds of people in a 1944 unarmed protest in Athens, Greece. Churchill even considered swapping sides and fighting on the side of Nazi Germany at the end of World War II since he began to hate the Soviets more than

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