
Decision Support Systems ( Dss )

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Decision support systems (DSS) is an umbrella term that describes an interactive, computerised system that supports decision making in an organisation using data and models (Druzdzel & Flynn 2002; Sharda et al. 2014). Whereas knowledge-based decision support system (KB-DSS) is generally a rule based system used to provide expertise. (Sharda et al. 2014). It is essentially an expert system but it may also use documented knowledge as a source of expertise (Sharda et al. 2014). KB-DSS has well defined information organisation and manipulated schemes compared to DSS (Christopher, Nehemiah & Arputharaj 2016). KB-DSS essentially acts as a consultant as it provides advice and explanation to non-experts (De Knock 2003). Examples on the …show more content…

2.0. Question 2 Web analytics is used to analyse the behaviour of visitors of a website (Rouse, Allen & McQuown 2005). Web analytics can tell a business their website’s traffic levels, its referral sources and user behaviour and interactions (Sharma 2015). Data analytics is the process of examining big data to find possible hidden patterns, unknown correlations and other useful information that can be used to make better decisions (Kapdoskar et al. 2015). Data analytics is making businesses smarter and more productive as they can make better predictions by analysing trends in the data (Kapdoskar et al. 2015). The main difference between web and data analytics is that web analytics analyses a website only, whereas data analytics analyses big data. Examples of where web analytics is useful for supporting businesses (Sharma 2015): • Improve website design and user experience – Web analytics makes it easy to find out how users are interacting with a business’ website. According to how the users are using the website, the business can improve the design and the functionality to make a better user experience. • Understand business’ website traffic - Businesses can find out how users are finding their website such as if it from a referral website, search engine, direct, offline campaigns or online campaigns. Using this information businesses can identify the most profitable source of

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