
Deconstructing The Film 'Gone With The Wind'

Decent Essays

Deconstructing “Gone with the Wind” Throughout history, there have been many films that have captured the eyes of many. One of the best films created and the winner of many academy awards is known as Gone with the Wind directed by, Victor Fleming. Fleming’s, Gone with the Wind tells the romantic yet tragic story of Scarlett O’Hara, the protagonist, and Rhett Butler, while at the same time giving a depiction of the life in the South, before, during, and after the American Civil War. The film, moreover, shows how much someone is willing to do in order to obtain what she wants, and how sometimes it’s too late to realize what one has. The film, Gone with the Wind presents a character that can be seen in many people, Scarlett O’Hara. Scarlett is an ambitious young lady that does anything to be successful and be as wealthy as she can be. Scarlett, moreover, is very egocentric she doesn’t care about anything nor anybody else than herself. All that ambition and arrogance, leads her to marry men that she has no feelings for (Gone with the Wind). One of those men, Frank Kennedy, was the lover of her sister. Scarlett married Frank Kennedy because she needed to save her land and because of the promise she made herself after the war ended which was that she will …show more content…

Scarlett goes through many things to get what she wants. She has no care in the world for other but herself, and therefore in the end after realizing that what she felt for Ashley wasn’t true, she loses the man she truly loved. Gone with the Wind, also displays the life of the South during the American Civil War, but more importantly it gives the viewer the opportunity to relate to Scarlett. That is because Fleming displays situations that can happen like making drastic decisions to obtain what one wants, and that one sometimes realizes the true value of what one has after it is all

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