
Essay On Chris Williams

Decent Essays

Despite his understanding that he would spend the rest of his sentence in Sheridan, Chris Williams was moved to SeaTac Federal Prison in Washington. This is a higher security prison than the satellite camp. A man who’s only crime was growing a few plants, is now spending his days with violent criminals such as murderers and sex offenders. Many of his belongings were not allowed in SeaTac resulting in things getting shipped back home or thrown away. The process of being transferred between prisons is degrading on many levels.

The notice of his change in facilities came quickly and without any explanation. In a post on the Free Chris Williams social media page,, Chris shared, “I don't know why that I am one of the lucky people to be moved here? No doubt about it it is definitely punishment for something.”

Could it be, that Chris was moved because of the legal slave labor system which the United …show more content…

The BOP can’t employ the rapists and murders to work outside in the public. And who else but inmates who work for pennies an hour to do the work? Inmates make as low as 14 cents per hour. Chris reports his previous wages in Sheridan earned him little more than 9 dollars a month. It is unclear what his new wage will be. If he is lucky, he may earn up to $1.25 per hour.

Coincidentally, or maybe not so coincidentally, Sheri Flor, the widow of William's late business partner Richard Flor, recently filed a lawsuit against Corrections Corporation of America. The suit alleges medical neglect against her husband during his incarceration, which ultimately resulted in his untimely death. It is unknown if the lawsuit has had any affect on Chris Williams.
Please write Chris today because, "No One Should Go To Jail For A Plant!"

Federal Detention Center
Christopher Williams
#11839-046, Unit FB Cell 25
P.O. Box 13900
Seattle, WA.

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