
Essay On Recess In Middle School

Satisfactory Essays

Could playing outside for at least 20 minutes every day really be a mistake? No it is not middle schools should have recess added to their schedule because recess gives the brain a break, which then helps it work better, it could also help kids be healthy, and recess may also help learn skills so that they could succeed in life or have a better future. So therefore they should add recess to middle school schedules.

First of all, recess should be added to middle school schedules because it gives kids a break which then helps them work better in class. States the article called Do You Need Recess “Yet research shows that breaks can actually facilitate learning”. This shows that recess could help in school because when were at school learning for hours everyone gets tired and bored so they just give up and don’t feel like doing anything or don't try hard enough. But as soon as they get a break which should at least be 20 minutes of recess it will let their brain or mind rest so that when they get back to learning they won't be as tired and try to put their best effort into it. …show more content…

When someone is healthy they are in a better condition for doing anything and could really help with obesity and depression. For example, the article called Do You Need Recess? States ¨Daily physical activity is associated with lower rates of depression and obesity¨ this shows recess gives a healthier life for a child. Some say recess should not be added to schedules because it could cause injuries. This is true recess could cause injuries but its not only recess that causes injuries any other thing can cause injuries just like how someone could get one by an accident so it's really not just recess. Recess could help children have a happy and healthy

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