
Essay On The Phantom Tollbooth

Decent Essays

Have you ever read The Phantom Tollbooth or have you even heard of it before, if not i'm going to tell you in three paragraphs about how the main character named Milo who goes through a Tollbooth. He’s the type of boy “who didn’t know what to do with himself” and how he changes throughout the book. In the book The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster there is a boy named Milo who starts out in the beginning as a boy who never wants to do anything like when he wants to go home then gets there he wishes he was still at school as stated in chapter one very first page. When Milo gets home he sees a big box on his kitchen counter. There was a letter and a Tollbooth. It also came with money to go through and come out of the Tollbooth. There was a map that came with it, he closed his eyes and his finger landed on Dictionopolis so that’s where he went. When Milo went to the valley of silence everything and person was silent. So when Milo got there he had to right on a chalk board to talk to the town’s people because the sound keeper took all the sound away because she wants …show more content…

before they left the place the princesses were in and Reason told Milo “you must never feel badly about making mistakes, as long as you take the trouble to learn from them” said Reason. After they talk a little longer the monsters were trying to destroy the stairs that led up to the prison like place. So Tock, Milo, the Humbug and the Princesses all had to escape as fast as they could before they floated into space. So the Princesses went on to Tock’s back and then Milo grabbed on to Tock’s tail and the Humbug grabbed on to Milos foot. When they got to the border line of the good and bad things. When Milo had to go home he wanted Tock the watchdog to come with him but Tock said that this place might need a watchdog around. When Milo started driving home he said “I hope that no one’s been worried” about where i’ve

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