
Examples Of Figurative Language In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Fahrenheit 451 is a novel set upon a dystopian society obsessed with electronics and that has banned books. One of the struggles Montag has is with books and why they are so bad and banned. At one point in the story he is on a subway and is trying to read and realizes that it is impossible to read or even think. The author used many literary elements to convey his point that the society had made it impossible to read or even think. Repetition, word choice, and figurative language were among the most prominent in the passage picturing the subway. First is the use of repetition to convey that society has made it impossible to think and read. This passage takes place on a subway where Montag is trying to read. He is trying to focus on the Lilies …show more content…

Many instances in this passage, powerful language was used to convey this message. One example of this was when Montag was describing the music as a distraction,”a great tonload of music made of tin, copper, silver, chromium, and brass.” The use of the term “tonload” is few and far between. Montag's description represents how bad the music distraction that society has created really is. A “tonload” of music has completely distracted him and made it impossible for him to read. Another example of this was with his description of the other people on the bus, stating that they were,”twitching the words Denham’s Dentifrice Dentifrice.” The use of the term twitching in this excerpt shows how the people have no control over their behavior; that they have not been able to focus on their own mind and the repeated uncontrol of their body has led them to develop an uncontrollable twitch. The use of word choice twitch is significant because there were many other words Montag could choose. Swaying is one of these. The difference between swaying to saying the words and twitching the words out is that a twitch demonstrates complete loss of control while swaying shows some conscious behavior. Both of these word choices represent that society has made it impossible to focus. The tonload of music has completely stopped Montag from his attempt at reading and focusing. And most of the

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