
Explain Why Affirmative Action Is Not Fair

Decent Essays

1(into) Is affirmative action fair? Does affirmative action help America? No affirmative action was needed in the past but has spireld out of proportion and needs fixed. Affirmative action is not fair because it promotes discrimination, unfair workspace, and un-equal opportunity.

2(explanation) What is affirmative action? Affirmative action is when any person is accepted into anything because of their skin color, gender, or race ect…. On March 6th, 1961 John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 10925 which created affirmative action. “The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants …show more content…

For fear of getting sued companies hire based on race to prove they use affirmative action. “The past was an unfair place, but is it really fair that someone applying for a job who has more experience and skills than other applicants should be rejected right away simply because they are not of a particular ethic background that was treated unfairly in the past?”( “Affirmative action, as do many other policies, began out of a necessity… As time passed and people’s opinions changed, so did affirmative action. What started as a policy striving for equality has ended up becoming reverse discrimination. Today, it is shown how affirmative action has negatively effects jobs, academics, politics, business, and society.”(Mario B. Rojas, …show more content…

Affirmative action does this. Colleges take minority students with a 3.5 GPA and put them with the majority students at a 4.5 level. This is unfair to the majorities and the minorities. Minorities get put in a class or “race” that they are way under qualified for so they end up struggling and even dropping out because it is too hard for their level. Majorities also suffer because there are students that need to be taught at a lower level than

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