
Explain Why Coca Cola Was Invented By Dr Pemberton

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What invention can you use to not only curl your hair, but also remove blood from the highway? You can clean your dirty coins. Remove your bad hair dye. If your car battery has corrosion, it removes that too. You can tan in a hurry, or you could do a cool science experiment and dissolve an iron nail in four days. Is all this giving you an upset stomach? Just drink this invention. If you are hungry, you can use this invention to bake a cake or a ham. What invention could possibly do all this? It is the refreshing Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola was invented by Dr. John Stith Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia on May 8, 1886. Dr. Pemberton was born on January 8, 1831 in Knoxville, Georgia. He grew up, attended school in Rome, Georgia, and lived there with his family for almost 30 years. He attended Reform Medical College in Macon, Georgia and was licensed to practice medicine at the age of nineteen. He received a graduate degree in pharmacy before the Civil War, but the exact place and date are unknown. During the Civil War, he served as a lieutenant colonel in the Third Georgia Calvary Battalion where he almost …show more content…

Pemberton had created a drink called French Wine Coca. It was made from an extract from the leaf of Peruvian Coca, the purest wine and the Cola nut. Dr. Pemberton said it was an excellent tonic that helped digestion, respiration and the muscular and nervous system. In 1886, prohibition came to the city of Atlanta. Dr. Pemberton could no longer sell his French Wine Coca. That is when the Coca-Cola formula was concocted in a three-legged kettle in Dr. Pemberton’s backyard. He removed the wine and added sugar syrup. His bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, suggested the name and designed the logo that Coca-Cola still carries today. It was first sold in Atlanta, Georgia at Jacob’s Pharmacy. They sold about nine servings per day and made about $50 the first year. However, Dr. Pemberton spent over $70 in expenses so he lost

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