
Friar Lawrence Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

Satisfactory Essays

News flash, Friar Laurence killed Romeo and Juliet! Friar Laurence is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence was a main part of the play and had a hand in all of the decisions that led to the death of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence was the character most to blame for the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet because he wanted the families brought together, he was a confidant of Romeo, he married the young couple and he gave Juliet poison. Through this essay I will show evidence proving that Friar Laurence is the one who ultimately killed the star crossed lovers. Friar Laurence is the character most to blame for the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet because he wanted the families brought together. It is shown in Act 2, Scene 3: …show more content…

These lines show that the Friar wants the families to get along and he will help Romeo, even though he isn’t sure it’s the best idea. Friar Laurence wants the families to get along and end their feud, implying that the cost is worth the gain. Friar Laurence was a confidant of Romeo, this is another point pointing at the Friar and his responsibility in the demise of the young couple. The lines in Act 2, Scene 3 say I pray thee chide not. She whom I love now Doth grace for grace and love for love allow. The other did not so. This shows that Romeo trusts the Friar with the information that he loves Juliet even though she is a Capulet. Romeo seeks out Friar Laurence to confide his love for Juliet. Lastly, Friar Laurence is the character most to blame for the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet because he married them and he gave Juliet poison. In Act 4, scene 1 it is

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