
Healthcare Spending Essay

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Health Care Spending National health care spending within the United States is at an all-time high and continues to rise. The nation is driving into economic woes with health care at helm. This paper will provide an overview of current national health care expenditures. It will also provide opinions on if the spending is sufficient and where and why cuts should be made. To help understand costs and payment, a breakdown of how health care is financed is included. The second half of the paper will provide a forecast of the future economic needs of U.S. health care, why these needs must be addressed, and my opinion on how the finances will be covered. Health Care Expenditures Healthcare spending within the United States (U.S.) is …show more content…

It is almost inevitable for these large bills to bankrupt families, businesses, and the nation. Fixing the large spending is no easy task, and the cause of the issue must first be determined in order to determine how to approach. One of the major causes of the inflated health care costs is the inefficient and wasteful way that healthcare is delivered. The logical solution for this problem is to deliver health care more efficiently. A couple of different approaches to achieving the solution can be taken. The first approach would discourage providers from delivering wasteful and inefficient care. The second approach would be to enact health care reforms that would save money. Whereas these two solutions may seem like easy fixes, in reality they are not. The reason these two agendas cannot be easily implemented is because of resistance. With the first solution the resistance comes from providers of services. If a provider can make more money by charging for unnecessary services or products they will. The incentives that influence inefficient care must be removed. The resistance to the second solution comes from all that benefit from keeping health care prices at higher levels. The solution definitely should not focus on the consumers because the waste is not consumer driven (AFL-CIO, 2013). Consumers mostly are not responsible for paying for the services and many times are not aware of the high costs

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