
How Did Sparta Won The Peloponnesian War

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The Peloponnesian War: Athenian Victory American poet James A. Baldwin once said, "People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them." By this he means that people cannot escape history and that history is ultimately shaped by humans. In addition, history is a continuous cycle of repeated events, but what happens if one of those events never occurred? The ancient Athenians and the ancient Spartans fought for a total of twenty-seven years in the Peloponnesian War. Eventually the Spartans defeated the Athenians, but what if the ancient Spartans had never won the Peloponnesian War? Although Athens's potential win in the Peloponnesian War could offer benefits to Ancient Greece, Sparta's victory in the Peloponnesian War is the best decision …show more content…

In 404 B.C., the Spartans had won the Peloponnesian War by defeating the Athenian naval fleet and by starving the Athenians (Buller). Sparta's victory in war then led to various restrictions in Athenian government. Nevertheless, Athenian ideas of democracy still spread throughout the world, despite the death of Athenian Empire. In addition, Sparta's successful campaign in the Peloponnesian War enabled Athenian philosophy to thrive, ultimately aiding Alexander the Great in his worldwide conquest of territory. On the contrary, however, if Alcibiades had continued his expedition to Syracuse, resulting in the potential Athenian win in the Peloponnesian War, the Athenian Empire could expand its influence by conquering lands once controlled by the Peloponnesian League. Athenian leaders could also use the spoils from the war to beautify Athens (Kagan). Though Greece could grow as an international power, Athenian philosophy would decline due to the "perfect and ideal" environment Athenians are living in. This shift from philosophy could cause Alexander the Great to fail as a militaristic strategist, and it could potentially terminate the great Macedonian Empire. The death of this empire could also destroy Hellenistic culture, potentially sabotaging future empires', such as the Roman Empire, cultural heritage. All in all, the ancient Spartan victory in the Peloponnesian War is the best decision because it preserves Athenian philosophy, Hellenistic art and culture, and Alexander the Great's militaristic and cultural

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