
How Does Texting Change The English Language

Decent Essays

For the past few centuries, the English language has been constantly evolving after years of being combined with the languages such as Greek and Latin. Now, English has been reformed in an increasingly simple way, creating new vocabulary by the younger generations. Texting is a new reformed version of English where grammar, punctuation, and spelling do not really matter and where slang is used commonly. For some people, they may see this a simpler way to communicate as there is no thought required, but others may see it otherwise. However, the trend of texting is growing worldwide and soon, it may become the way we communicate. The use of texting in the English language, is however reducing the previous greatness of the English established over the years of English imperialism. Therefore, my belief is that texting is a retrogressive twenty first century concept that is destroying the status quo of formal English due to the fact that with texting, people are becoming …show more content…

For example, landlines services are being cancelled because we rely on our phones to do what a landline can do. This can be attributed to the fact that we would rather text people than call them because it’s a faster method of getting it done. This results in a world where we have to depend on our phone for all our everyday activities since we find it the fastest way to do our activities and nobody will have the time to take a break and smell the roses. Texting has disadvantages which outweigh the advantages since it is causing a major effect on people and society. The effects are negative as they affect our productivity, attention span, and it leads to a society where everybody finds the quickest way to do their activities, which can result into negative outcomes in this world, where the language that is used in texting will become how people communicate every day, as it’s the easiest way to do

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