
I Is An Other By James Geary

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When we think of metaphor, do we think good, bad, or do we just think it 's just a thing that we use and not put much thought into it? Well reading this book called I is an Other by James Geary has really opened my eyes to really understand the concept of metaphor and what some of its purposes are. I must say that before reading this book I had never thought of metaphor more than what I thought it was, but the way Geary talks about it definitely made me think on how it does affect us and that we use it much more than we think. Geary touches on a lot of points that involve metaphor without us even knowing it is there. For instance, Geary says that metaphor is not just restricted to literature and art, but it is also used to reach people in ways like advertising, politics, and money (3). He talks about metaphor being part of our lives from the very early stages of life, and how we use it to understand things better. Not only that, but he talks about how metaphor is used in both good and bad ways, and how we can use it to express ourselves. He explains throughout the book that it is almost impossible not to use it, so it is something that is a part of us, and without it we would be like robots. With all the evidence that has been provided I have came to the conclusion that metaphor is something we cannot avoid, but that 's not a bad thing. Although it can sometimes be a bad thing, the way metaphor generally affects us is positive because it allows us to understand complex

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