
Information Literacy Project: Broken Bone

Decent Essays

Information Literacy Project:
By: Faviola Mendez
Medical Emergencies
Dr. Suzan Melik

Although a fracture is also known as a broken bone, there are many types of fractures. Some types of fractures are more severe than others, all of them must be seen immediately. Fractures happen at least twice in our lives. Some types of fractures are also caused by age or osteoporosis which is the weakening of the bones (Melinda, 2015). The severity of a fracture depends on the strength with which the fracture was caused. A bone could be fractured in many ways such as lengthwise, crosswise, and also in multiple pieces (Stuart James, 2012).
Some types of fractures are greenstick or also known as incomplete, transverse, …show more content…

Sometimes when treating the fracture and it gets severe the patient might need to be hospitalized and in other cases they need to get surgery (Nordqvist, 2014).
Signs and symptoms
The signs of a fracture are the level of pain that the patient is experiencing and other kind of dizziness or fainting, and lack of movement on the affected area. The symptoms are the things that someone other than the patient can see, in this case swelling, bruising, discoloration around the injury, if the affected area has an unusual angle (angulation), and if the fracture is open bleeding and how severe is the bleeding (Nordqvist, 2014).
A doctor is able to diagnose a fracture and the severity of it by doing various procedures such as assessing the injury, checking for any medical conditions, past surgeries, and from there he or she will then proceed to medical procedures such as x- ray, MRI, CT scans, etc. (Stuart James, …show more content…

There are many ways to prevent a fracture such as having a healthy lifestyle, having a proper diet, exercising, taking vitamins and calcium if necessary, having regular visits to the doctor and also physical examinations every year (Nordqvist, 2014), but the fact that there are ways to prevent fractures does not mean that it cannot occur, in fact any accident may lead to it, sports, accidents, overuse and others are always a big factor that lead to

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