
Injustice, Reparations, And Affirmative Action

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Injustice, Reparations, and Affirmative Action
Affirmative action policies are a lot more vague and objective than many people realize. Whereas many people think they refer to hiring based on profiling and quotas, it is not that simple. Affirmative action is simply the willingness of an organization to engage in any activities — particularly for staffing and school admissions — that helps to alleviate present racial discrimination within society. This does not mean that any institution is required to hire a certain number of African-American people in a year, as many people think. There is not a mandated number of Native Americans taken into higher education programs. But there is a requirement to at least keep in mind while hiring and admitting …show more content…

They include, though are not limited to, overlaps of white people, African American people, minorities in general and specifically, and women. But the biggest complication among the actors on this stage is that they span past, present, and future. Affirmative action is an attempt to atone for actions that happened in the past, among people who are mostly off the stage at this point in time. This leads to some heavy debate about the value of advantages and the effect of time on that value. The relationships are less to do with whites to blacks in the same working class, but rather that of institutions to members. According to an experiment performed by the National Urban Institute, young white men received a disproportionate number of job offers compared to like-credentialed peers of African American (45% more) and Latino (52% more) descent ("Affirmative Action - ACLU Position Paper", n.d.). If these figures hold true, this is an alarming trend and should indeed be corrected. But is affirmative action the right path to the best …show more content…

But these people are not considering compounding interest on past/previous advantages. That’s because these advantages and disadvantages are institutional, so you’re not feeling them individually. Thus if a person is on the benefitting side of an injustice, like white people receiving the rewards of slavery, they are much more inclined to believe that an injustice exists. Whereas this same white person sees the reparations part, which makes it a lot more real to an individual over the inexperienced claim of

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