
Lenovo : Building His Global Brand

Decent Essays

Romsha Sharma
Student ID -144727
Lenovo: Building his Global Brand

What is the key branding issue in this case? What are the secondary branding issues? Elaborate on how well Lenovo addressed each of the issues you have identified, supported with examples from the case. In your opinion, could they have done anything better?
Key Branding issue and Lenovo’s efforts to address the same:
After having established itself as an innovative PC brand in China, Lenovo wanted to position itself as a global corporate brand while leveraging the IBMs Brand equity. The key branding issue for Lenovo was creating a positive global image in consumer’s mind as being a Chinese computer brand it was considered an inexpensive brand offering inferior quality …show more content…

In the second phase Lenovo demonstrated its commitment to innovation by rolling out improved ThinkPad products and further strengthening ThinkPad’s brand essence. Initiatives like Using Titanium cover instead of the traditional black cover while launching Z60 helped in establishing the fact that Lenovo made ThinkPad products better than before. Enforcing ThinkPad’s brand position and its advertisement as Lenovo’s sub brand helped in strengthening the Lenovo master brand. The third step emphasized that Lenovo master brand stood for innovation with Lenovo introducing the 3000 PC series for small business consumers focusing on reliability ,quality and durability in addition to modern looks .The marketing campaign focused on providing “worry free computing” by providing features like virus recovery features. The choice of a number series instead of a name for the launch of the first non-ThinkPad product was done strategically to strengthen its association with the master brand Lenovo.
All these efforts enabled Lenovo to position itself as an innovative company and build a positive brand image.
Secondary Branding issue and Lenovo’s efforts to address the same
• Issue - Brand Awareness of Lenovo outside the Chinese market was very low. During the brand awareness survey conducted at least half of the IT respondents were found to be unaware of the brand. Countries either had a lower

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