
M1 Unit 2 Study Guide

Satisfactory Essays

Nelson, Shanika, Unit II Reading Questions
1. Summarize and give an example for either the Cosmological or Teleological Proof for God’s existence.
Teleological is the main argument for God’s existence. There is order and purpose for everything and these things work well together because ALL things were designed by God’s perfect order. The argument that we were all made in His image meaning we are made by design and God is our designer. As a gun is to a gunsmith; so is a human to God is a teleological example. He is our creator (designer) just as the gunsmith makes firearms.
2. Briefly summarize Feuerbach’s theory of the origin of religion.
Feuerbach believed that man was not made in God’s image; rather we made a god or deities in our image. We created religion to benefit our own needs and projected our beliefs onto humanity. Despite human beings having multiple fears, our biggest fear is death and Christianity was a way of promising eternal life after death. Therefore, Feuerbach believed the reason for this projected image was to push human self-consciousness. He felt that divinity shouldn’t be allied with God, but with humanity. …show more content…

Which Teleological ethical theory, Utilitarianism or Egoism, is the most appropriate to use in everyday life? Why?
Utilitarianism is the most appropriate use in everyday life. Actions done by an individual are done with the well being of all involved. Even if the act is considered immoral the act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism justifies certain actions as morally right. It ultimately focuses on the maximization of everyone’s

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