
Matewan Essay

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The citizens of Matewan, a coal -mining town in West Virginia lived amidst a feudalistic class process. One may think of medieval times in connection with feudalism, but the film “Matewan” directed by John Sayles was based on historical events that took place in 1920. The feudal lord was not a European king, and the serfs were not farming his land. Nevertheless, feudalism existed in this southern town, as the workers did not have the ability to choose their employer. Unlike Capitalism, the members of Matewan could not go out into the free labor market and choose the businesses for which they wished to work. The Stone Mountain Coal Company made choice nonexistent and in doing so gained feudal power over the employees. …show more content…

Due to the monopolistic control by the coal company, perfect competition didn’t exist in Matewan. Businesses were not competing to gain workers, as there was only one source of employment for the inhabitants. One member of the town said, “If you ain’t with the company, there ain’t no work.” Because of the lack of competition, the employer does not have the need to market their establishment to a potential workforce or maintain desirable working conditions.

Poor working conditions are sometimes a characteristic of a feudalistic class process, but certainly not the main trait. The absence of choice is the focal point of feudalism. For example, The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair contains graphic descriptions of miserable working conditions in the meat packing industry. While the immigrants worked for a meager wage under hideous conditions and were often abused, the main character in the story had other options for employment within the town. Albeit, the other options may not have been desirable ones, but they existed. His ability to choose is what makes the class process in The Jungle capitalistic as opposed to the existence of feudalism in Matewan. The workers for the Stone Mountain Coal Company were not paid in currency that could be used outside of Matewan; they were paid in company script that could be used only in Stone Mountain owned establishments. By the time the company had

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