
My Life In New Orleans-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Creative Writing It was November of 55’, me and Lee were headed to the gas station while bumping some Elvis. Now November in New Orleans is hurricane season, so our mothers were on full alert. We pulled into the gas station, Lee’s uncle worked there, so we normally just got our stuff for free. I loaded up on Mars bars, and Lee just talked to his uncle. See me and Lee were off to go shooting, Lee was the sharpest shooter one could ever meet. Down in the old mountain side we would park and set up shop. Having recently rained, the path there was awfully muddy so we decided just to grab our stuff and walk. On our way up to our spot we ran into our good friend Rafael while he was jogging. Rafael had never gone shooting, so we invited him along. Rafael turned out to be not much of a shooter, he said, “I’ll just stick with Lee for my safety”. We left, gave Rafael a ride home, and called it a day. Hurricane season ruined the rest of our shooting time, and soon Lee enlisted in the Marines, surely because he could shoot a fly at 100 yards. Me and Rafael became good friends, we continued to go on hikes but without guns anymore. One day me and Rafael came across what looked like a meteorite. The meteorite was glowing green, and had a faint smell of cheese. Out of nowhere Rafael reached out …show more content…

I often thought I had dreamt the whole thing, but that wasn’t the case. I knew the truth, the truth was, I wrote this whole thing on that robot in 2016. I ended slavery, the least I could do was help some kid finish his schooling. I enjoyed school, but from what I heard through time traveling, schools just don’t value free speech like they used too. I’m logging off know, too many robots, and I’m not talking about the robot I used to write this. Good luck kid, you’re going to need it trying to deal with that generation. I just wish I could travel to the future and make America great

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