
Overfishing Research Paper

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No overfishing or no fishing. Overfishing is an enormous issue that needs to be corrected or there will be no more fish to catch in the future. The true definition of overfishing is as defined by the national fisheries act from 1996 overfishing is “a rate or level of fishing mortality that jeopardizes a fishery's capacity to produce maximum sustainable yield (MSY) on a continuing basis(kennedy, 2016)." Some of the facts of overfishing are so shocking they would blow you out of the water, as well as some of the effects overfishing can have on the fisheries. The solutions to overfishing are extremely simple and completely within our power to do. Overfishing is defined in many different ways but they all mean roughly the same thing. The National …show more content…

According to the United Nations, 17% of fish stocks worldwide are currently overexploited; 52% are fully exploited; and 7% are depleted. This means that only an estimated 20% of worldwide fish stocks are not already at or above their capacity(Seafarms, 2013). Catches of Pacific herring have decreased by 71% since the 1960s, with Atlantic herring catches falling by 63%. Atlantic Cod catches have fallen by 69% in the same time(Seafarms, 2013). These are just a few of many facts and statistics on the topic of overfishing. The effects of these statistics and facts impact people’s and animal's lives around the …show more content…

One solution is to set strict limits to how much fish commercial fishermen can take from the oceans. The limits would be determined by yearly evaluations, and studies of the population of harvestable fish(Koster, 2016). There are already many limits on the amount of fish that can be harvested by fishermen but they are not well enforced or punished. Another solution would be to crack down of fishing boats, and check how much of each fish they have caught. If the fishermen have exceeded their limit the punishment would be much greater than it is now to scare them into not taking more fish than they are aloud(Koster,

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