
Overpaid Athletes Over Paid Essay

Decent Essays

Are Athletes over paid?” YES, athletes are overpaid! People often wonder what justifies an athlete making more money than the President of the United States. Babe Ruth replied to this question by saying “Well, I had a better year.” For a while, athletes demanded and received salaries so out of proportion with an average salary. What makes modern times different is that professional sport players are pulling in an insane amount of money, compared to athletes that played the same sport in previous generations. Fifty years ago, only the outfielders who hit 40 homeruns would make a huge salary. Now, however, the normal infielder who comes in as a replacement three times a week makes ten times more than an average working man. In 1979 Nolan Ryan broke ground, he became the first athlete to receive a $1-million-a-year contract. I think that the contracts of professional athletes have gone unchecked for too long, and now athletes are one of the wealthiest people in our nation. Athletes are paid too much for simply playing games. Sports are really just for entertainment and we pay a colossal amount of money to watch athletes perform at the highest level. It is …show more content…

While their career brings entertainment and can also be viewed as being role models for aspiring young athletes they still do not serve the community in the same manner as a police officer, fireman, soldier or teachers. People that fulfill these roles in the community is much more heroic and influential. Athletes are not only overpaid they also earn wages from sponsorships. Most have more money than they could spend in their life time. It would be extremely admirable if they donated a portion of their money to help poverty stricken populations however, most do not and choose to live decadent lifestyles and not give back to the

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