
Pro Athletes Get Paid Too Much Essay

Decent Essays

Do pro athletes deserve to get paid so much? People are saying that pro athletes get paid too much money even though they get most of their money from sponsorships and being role models. Athletes should continue getting paid the same price as they already do. First, athletes deserve to get paid a lot of money because of the sponsorships they have. Also, they give spectators something to watch with their extreme skills. Lastly, they are role models for kids to give their best efforts in sports. Overall, athletes deserve to get paid a lot of money because it’s for good reasons. Pro athletes get paid a ton of money to wear specific sports brands like Nike, Adidas, or Under Armour. Lebron James gets paid $185,328 per tweet from his sponsors. “Lebron James’ opendorse estimation cost per tweet is $185,328” ( 1). Furthermore, in 2015, 100 athletes combined a total of over $924 million in athlete endorsement earnings. Next, according to “The following athletes raked in over $927 million in endorsements over the last year” (Weber). Most important, Roger Federer is the highest paid athlete and gets paid $60 million a year just from sponsorships. …show more content…

First and foremost, pro athletes should get paid less money than they already do. According to Bahgat, “In today’s society, one should be paid according to the jobs economic importance and their value to society” (Bahgat). Additionally, Firefighters and Police Officers get paid a fraction of sports athletes and they risk their lives everyday helping us. “Furthermore, police officers, firefighters, and doctors, save lives while risking their own for a fraction of what sports stars make” (Bahgat 1). In addition, there are people that can’t even afford food for their families and athletes are getting paid $100 million plus. In today’s society money could be spent in a better way than paying pro athletes

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