
PETA: People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals

Satisfactory Essays

According to PETA, “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”, more than 100 million animals are killed in laboratories for research and other testing. My proposal in this debate is to explain why animal testing is wrong and should be banned. Some reasons why we should ban animal experimentation are, they make many animals suffer then die and the results in the end are not always accurate.
First and Foremost, throughout the process of animal testing, animals are either hurt or killed. Because scientists are trying to find a solution and new information, they are willing to do whatever it takes. That includes hurting innocent animals. Paula Moore, a recognized author for PETA, stated that ‘’It is morally wrong to poison, infect, burn and …show more content…

With all the animals wasted on test, they just start adding up and become a big pile of waste. In the article “Netherlands Phases Out”, the author wrote “Nine out of 10 experimental drugs that pass animal studies fail in humans, and the few that are approved often need to be relabeled or pulled from the market after they sicken or kill human patients” (Moore np). The author is basically saying that the animals used in failed experiments, have their lives taken for nothing. If you really think deeper, these animals are injected and put to suffer just to make new products, gather more information, and find out what works and what does not. Erin Biba, author of “From Chimp to Chip” says, “A common tack is to genetically manipulate mice to imitate human diseases, but human and mouse genes still behave differently. In part because of this, 90 percent of drugs that pass animal testing then fail in human trials” (Biba np). Although the scientists know that 90 percent that pass on animals later fail on humans, they will continue to do wrong. They will keep on testing and hurting animals no matter what happens in the end.
In conclusion, animal testing should be stopped and banned for the best of animals. These points show how animals should be respected and not put to testing where they will suffer, die, or provide inaccurate information. They should be able to live there long and happy lives as we humans

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