
Phi 210 Final Exam

Decent Essays

Answer: Before taking this course I had a Dionysian type of thinking. I tended to act on emotion wanting to believe that people in general would not lie to me. That is why I could never be a cop. I also was a firm believer in Jean-Paul Sartre’s idea of existentialism. Existentialism is the idea of, “life is what we make it.” Sartre believed, “life is not what happens, but what we do.”(Detrick) I have lost friends because of this theory. I can only take so much complaining before I finally ask them, “so what are you going to do about the situation?” When they look at me confused I follow up with, “you are the only one who can change your situation.” In my twenty eight years of life I have found people do not like that question or statement. Many do not want to be held accountable for the situation they have put themselves in especially when they continue to stay there. I want to believe everyone has good intension and will not lie, but I do not have sympathy for individuals who complain about situations they choose to put themselves in. Answer: …show more content…

My Husband knows about my Harry Potter (almost) obsession and does not miss a chance to give me a hard time about it. I could read Harry Potter over and over again without getting bored. I also enjoy my Twilights and Hunger Games. I favor series because it allows me to make more of a connection with the characters. Knowing they have another adventure once I finish the last page gets me excited. When I was younger I read more of a variety mystery, western, and horror. As I get older I find myself going back to comfort, and that is why I reread my favorites. Going to college, working two jobs, spending time with my family, and as of recently considering being a foster parent has not left me time for pleasure reading. That is why I spend any time I do have reading novels I know I enjoy. I hope after graduating that I will have more time to expand the literature I

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