
Pros And Cons Of George Washington

Decent Essays

There is a clear reason why George Washington is the best out of the first four Presidents. He is quite possibly one of the best. He was really the one who pushed our nation to heights that were thought to have been impossible to reach. He also put out laws and regulations that balanced the government, and benefitted the people. There are good reasons as to why Jefferson, Madison, and Adams cut it close that will eventually be touched on.

George Washington is probably one of the most well known presidents of all time. He was unanimously elected into office and appointed John Adams (2nd President of the United States) as his Vice President. One of the better clauses of why he was the best is because he kept the U.S. from going back into war. His Foreign Policy was Short and simple. America was too “young and weak” to be fighting against anybody. Thats why he wanted us to stay neutral and not get in between the business of other countries. This, however, did not stop him from allowing trade between countries. We kept trade with Britain even though we had just defeated them in the Revolutionary War. They were 90% of our imports. This sense of Isolationism continues for quite a while after he establishes it. Washington was also in charge of the Westward Expansion. During which he defeated the natives who inhabited the land. Therefore, Washington is the most superior to the three following Presidents.

Jefferson is the second best President out of the first four because of the

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