
Reasons The South Seceded In The North After The Civil War

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The Colonist and the Southerners left their "homes" mainly because they wanted something that wasn't tolerated in their area. However, the reasons behind these wants are very different. The Colonists didn't want to be told how to live and worship all they wanted was religious freedom. They weren't in the wrong, all they wanted was independence from the Church of England. They simply wanted to live without get fined, persecuted, or looked down on. Queen Elizabeth I made the Church of England law so if you didn't abide by the rules you were punished or persecuted, so the Colonist really didn't have a choice except to seceded and have their own independence.The Colonist might have started a war but, to them it was for a good reason and it benefited in having their long awaited religious freedom. …show more content…

Southerners had the choice to not seceded and remain with the Union but, they didn't and they made a small probably become a civil war. This is one big difference between the South and the Colonists. The South seceded for other reasons also for one, the election of Abraham Lincoln. Back before the election James Buchanan was the president having no force, power, or backbone he caused irate anger in the Democratic party causes them to split. As a result of the seperation of the party President Lincoln was elected. Southerners were very angry because not only were they pro slavery but, they despised

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