
Rhetorical Analysis Of Al Gore's Speech

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During Al Gore’s concession to President Bush in 2000, he stayed positive and took the high road because of his recent loss in the presidential election. Through the use of specific diction, repetition, sincere facial expressions, and lack of hand movements he was able to not only ensure his supporters that they were in great hands, but he also saved his reputation after a defeat in the election. Gore’s primary objective was to apologize for the chaotic election and give a last minute impression to win over or neutralize many Americans opinions of himself. These tactics along with his neutral and informative tone would be remembered in making his speech extremely successful. Al Gore uses specific diction to express his intellectual and calm demeanor. In this speech he must address his loss in the presidential election and …show more content…

His sincere facial expression that he holds during his speech implies to the audience that he is honest. This is exactly what Gore is trying to do; he wants to reassure his audience. He knows the people are what got him to where he is. He also knows that in one of the closest races for presidents ever that many are skeptical of President Bush. However, when he steps up to the podium, and gives his speech all the tight tension just seems to melt away. While many had their doubts in the new president, Gore clears everything up with just a look. You can tell Gore is sincere, and he’s coming off as honest. While there are some people who are capable of removing fear with a look, Gore reminds us that the most successful people are the confident ones. Even though he was almost guaranteed to be nervous, Gore was able to demand attention on the podium because he was confident and sincere. A friendly reminder that in order to ever go where you want to in life that you have to sincere and

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