
Rhetorical Devices In Bill Clinton's Speech To The DNC

Decent Essays

In Bill Clinton’s speech to the DNC in 2012 he used many rhetorical devices to draw the audience’s attention and get them to agree with his point of view. He wanted to tell the audience that the democrats had a better agenda and a better set of values than those of the republicans. His methods were very effective and were a big help to the reelection of President Obama. One of the rhetorical devices used by Bill Clinton in his speech to the DNC are is rhetorical questions. He asks the crowd questions such as “Are we doing better today?” and “ But are we better off than we were when he took office?”. He knew his audience was full of democratic support and that questions like these would help build a substantial base for the reelection of President Obama. It would give the crowd a huge boost of excitement and catapult Obama’s campaign to a huge victory in the election. …show more content…

From the beginning of his speech he states “I want a man who…”. He repeats this phrase several times to get the point across of how deeply President Obama feels for not only the United States but every individual of the United States. He uses this to convince the audience that everything that drives President Obama is the heart and soul he has for the American people. How his main goal is for the advancement of not just one person or one race of the people but everyone; no matter what you are or how you live your life he wants you to feel he wants what is best for you. This strategy was very effective and it allowed for the connection to be made between President Obama and the American

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