
Seven Characteristics of Human

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Seven Characteristics to Human Beings . . “Bicentennial Man” Seven characteristics to Human Beings 1. Humans are created in the image and the likeness of God: As Catholics and Christians, we believe that God has created human beings in the divine image. God has formed us from the dust of the earth and gave us a special dignity among all the works of creation. Human beings have been made for relationship with God, to live in peace with each other, and to take care of the rest of …show more content…

By having the ability to reason, humans can distinguish the difference between right and wrong and know what is good for them and others. An example of morality in the movie “Bicentennial Man” is when Andrew states his famous speech in front of the court. This statement was overloaded with morality messages, Andrew tries to tell us that people are different, that not all marriages need be procreative, that laws should be passed to validate the humanity of some people, that big corporations are bad, and that artificial implants make artificial people. This statement captures the spirit of moral dilemmas of the robot character. It goes several steps further to probe whether a robot with a positronic brain can not only be self aware, but also have a soul, and be worthy of human dignity. This is a courageous story skillfully told. Moreover, freedom is what makes us different from animals. Humans can act with freedom; animals cannot. Because we intend to do certain things, our actions are moral: they are either good or evil; for Andrews actions are intended for “goodness” of one man’s heart. 5. Humans have Passions or Feelings: Human passions are what make humans feel that living is worthwhile. Human passions are instinctive urges which activate the human brain's pleasure pathways when you fulfill that urge. Since human instincts are somewhat “unclear”

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