
Similarities Between Pope Boniface VIII And King Phillip IV Of France

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Pope Boniface VIII and King Phillip IV of France were leaders of a large conflict during the middle ages. The issues between church and state were very prominent. Both authoritative figures believed that the other was asserting too much power. Boniface passed his final papal bull, Unam Sanctam, in 1302 which would led to the end of the dispute. Boniface and Philip were interlocked in a battle over power during the middle ages. Boniface believed that the church should have more power than the state; therefore he sent decrees to Philip in order to maintain dominance. The bulls Boniface created gave him power over not only King Philip, but over all secular rulers. Philip attempted to keep the church below the state, but Boniface continued to send these bulls effectively limiting Philip’s power. …show more content…

Boniface was abusing his power by writing these bulls. Or that’s what’s appeared to be happening according to the King and other secular rulers. Philip had Boniface arrested by mercenaries and William de Nogaret, Philips royal minister, for heresy in 1303. Boniface would later die in 1303 due to a high fever. The issues between Pope Boniface and King Philip IV relate to the case of Thomas Backet and Henry II because both disputes were conflicts between church and state. Henry II thought that by electing Beckett as his Archbishop he would be able to rule over the church and the state. However, Becket did not give Henry that power and he would eventually be assassinated. In conclusion the feuds between church and state have a long history. Many powerful figures have fought over the power to control church and state resulting in lives being lost. Although, it is said that Boniface was mot trying to gain power, but to protect the church. Despite this claim figures were so hungry for power that they would do anything to again or protect

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