
Sparta DBQ Essay

Decent Essays

Any society that abuses children should crumble .Sparta was an ancient Greek city-state. They valued military strength above anything else. They did not teach academics, farming, or anything else besides military tactics. The weakness outweighed strengths because they lacked education , they abused their children and their society did not last more than 300 years.
To begin with, The Spartans lacked education. In document D the text states, “[The Spartans] learned to read and write for purely practical reasons: but all other forms of education they banned from the country,” Spartans were not allowed to read books or treatises. They could not perform in plays or criticize the government. They could not form their own opinion.
Secondly, they only lasted for a little over 300 years. In the Background Essay it says, “During these years, Sparta was under terrific pressure, fighting Athens and the same time looking over its shoulder at a restless helot population at home. These two factors led to the Spartans down …show more content…

In document B the text states, “[He introduced the custom of wearing one garment throughout the year, believing that they would thus be better prepared to face changes of heat or cold].” While training the boys were only given one piece of clothing and they weren’t allowed to wear sandals in hopes that their feet would get use to any type of land. The boys were also encouraged to steal food but were whipped if they were caught. Not only were they whipped for stealing, but they were whipped during the Flagellation where they were sometimes whipped to the point of death.
Although, Sparta had weaknesses they did have the strongest military of their time. The Spartan army perfected a battle formation called the phalanx that is still talked about today. Sparta’s weaknesses still outweigh the strengths because of the reasons I listed above, they lacked education, they didn’t last over 300 years and they abused their

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