
Sparta Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Any society that abuses their children deserve to crumble. Sparta was a city- state in ancient Greece that was focused on military training.They didn’t focus on the children but too much on military training. The weaknesses of Sparta outweigh the strengths because they lack education, boys are taken away from their families at a young age, and they are abused.
To begin with Spartans lacked formal education.In Document D the text states,” [The Spartans] learned to read and write for purely practical: but all forms of education they banned from the country,”.Spartans were not aloud to read books or treatises. They could not travel outside of Sparta or have foreign teachers. They could not write, watch, or perform in plays. They never taught to have an opinion or think for themselves. Spartan’s only focus was on the military education which did not help their society survive. Secondly boys were taken away from their home at a young age. In document A the text states,”At that age he …show more content…

In document A the text states,” If the baby boy was not strong/healthy, then he would be put out to die.” Document A also states,” They were whipped and given small amounts of food,then they were whipped.” Document B text states,” Instead of softening the boys’ feet with sandals,[ Lycurgus] required them to harden their feet by going without shoes.” In document C the text states,” They killed the helots that were stronger and / or smarter than the Spartans.” If the boys were caught stealing badly then they would get whipped with whip- bears. Also if the father’s/ mother’s baby was not strong/ healthy then they would be put out to die.Then in document A/B the Spartan boys would be starved so they could go and fight on an empty stomach. The Spartan people would kill the helots because they thought that kill them before they kill you. In Document B it states,” Instead of softening the boys’ feet with sandals,[ Lycurgus] required them to harden their

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