
Spartan Education Dbq

Decent Essays

Ancient education was filled with a lot of harsh and rough training, but it was necessary. Spartan education was very tough for This is because they were an extremely militaristic community that focused on physical training rather than reading and writing. They were training them in such a way that would bring upon them unbearable pain and agony. The strengths of Spartan education far outweigh the weaknesses, this is because women were equal to men, Spartans were vigorously trained to be strong, and that everyone was taught to be respectful and obedient. Women in Sparta were treated equal to men and also respected among them. “He insisted on physical training for the female no less than for the male sex”...“He instituted races and trials of strength for women competitors as for men (E).” This quote shows that Lycurgus considered the women as important because the women would compete in races and trials which was also considered as a masculine activity back then, so women were treated equally because they allowed them to …show more content…

Document D states, “But to have regard for all the older men, to make room for them on the streets, to give up their seats to them, and to keep quiet in their presence (D).” This quote shows that the Spartan boys were taught to be respectful and kind to the elders and to not fool around while being around them. Another quote states that “Moreover, the young men were required not only to respect their own fathers and to be obedient to them…”. (D) This quote explains that the Spartan boys were not only to respect the elders but to also respect any boy or man who is older than you. All this excruciating training might be too much training and make them look like beasts, they still have to be respectful and obedient to the older people. Just like how these days children still have to respect civilians of old age or people that are older than them because they know

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