
Dbq Sparta Education

Decent Essays

Sparta was a small culture both in size and number that eventually revolutionized into a powerful city-state. It is located on a small peninsula in Southern Greece called the Peloponnese. Sparta was based on its strong military that helped it continue to be dominate even with a small population. The education in Sparta helped develop this culture to its dominant state. Did the education system serve the overall best interest of the Spartan people? The education in Sparta did serve the best interest of the Spartan people because their education prepared them for their future, the rigorous military training taught the boys how to adapt to limited resources, and their education also helped them defeat the helots.
Since Sparta was small, their main way to remain powerful was military strength therefore, their education was based on military disciplines. “A Spartiate’s son was nurtured by his parents only until he was seven years old. At that age he was removed from his family and, from his eighth to his twenty-first year, he was educated by the state according to rigorous [military-like] …show more content…

Lycurgus, a prince who was regarded as the founder of Spartan education, “introduced the custom of wearing one garment, throughout the year believing that they would thus be prepared to face changes of hot and cold,” (Doc. B). Lycurgus did not do this out of ruthlessness but rather to help the boys in the future by preparing them to easily come accustomed to their surroundings. Also with food, Lycurgus would give them a limited amount because “he believed that those who underwent this training would be better able to continue working on an empty stomach,” (Doc. B). This helped the boys survive when their was no food given to them. These rules taught the boys that their would always not be abundant resources in battle and also how to adapt to these

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