
Summary Of ' A Worn Path '

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Question 1: In the short story “A Worn Path” there is this old lady that walks a long distance and faces plenty obstacles in her journey. Like her dress getting stuck on thorns in the woods, which she precisely untangles her dress very calmly and very precautiously because she doesn 't want to mess it up. She encounters a scare from dogs which ultimately ends her falling into a well and a huntsman guy helped her out and held a gun to her face which she didn 't really phase from it since she told him that she 's had other guns pointed at her more closer than that. Her purpose of walking that long was for her sick nephews medicine. Once she got to the doctors office, they questioned her why she walked that long and she didn 't reply at …show more content…

The wallpaper that is in the room that she is being locked in is described as disturbing her. He occasionally has his sister, jennie, go and help her change and bathe and do stuff for her.But yet again, the narrator keeps being locked in the room. So while his wife, the narrator, is being locked he gets to go home and sleep in his nice bed, The husband, John, belittles her and doesn 't really investigate much into her sickness. As she gets more depressed and anxious she ends up ripping the wallpaper and she somehow managed to get a writing utensil and writes about her ideas and thoughts. But she can 't be caught because john does not accept that. Her imagination takes a huge role over her because she starts to think and see people stuck in the walls, and a lady crawling in and out of the walls, snooping around.But in reality shes imaging herself trying to come out of those walls she 's trapped in herself. As she gets crazier and crazier, John decides to go visit her himself and once he sees her he realizes how gone she is and faints right then and there. And the weird thing is that the author tells us that she creepingly crawls over him, just like the lady she described that she saw crawling around the walls. So there it proves that she 's imagining herself being the creepy figure crawling. The traditional elements that this story has that ghost story have is the person being locked in the room. As Well as a crazy person. In the case, a

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