
Summary Of Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

The first paragraph reflects a tone of disbelief and confusion. Disbelief is expressed in this line, “I had never thought that a person’s ethnicity was ever important in this country”. It expresses disbelief as the narrator never thought ethnicity was important in today’s world and it turned out that it was important. This next line expresses confusion, “I don’t know exactly how to take those comments”. It expressed confusion over the statements made back at the narrator as the narrator is not sure how to take these comments. The writing style I used attempted to show how the narrator is different and it uses metaphors to compare mental processes. This line expresses the difference that contrasts the narrator from the other person, “I talk in my native tongue to them”. This next line expresses the view the narrator has about society on a certain issue, “But, I am not so sure everyone else is on the same page yet”. …show more content…

This line displays envy as the narrator did not think there was someone out there who could speak Spanish so well, “I had never thought he could speak Spanish that perfectly”. The next line shows curiosity as the narrator wants to uncover more about his friend’s life, “Why did he never say anything about this”. The second paragraph’s writing style differs from the first as the second paragraph displays more doubt than the first’s. This line incorporates doubt into the writing style as it states, “I wonder why he never told me before”. The first paragraph demonstrates confusion instead as of doubt which shows the contrast in the writing style. Doubt also appears early on in the second paragraph as the it is said, “He did not look like the kind of guy that would”. The first paragraph does not show this much doubt on the narrator’s speaking

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